APOL1 nephropathy risk alleles and mortality in African American adults: A cohort study
American Journal of Kidney Diseases Oct 04, 2019
Gutiérrez OM, Irvin MR, Zakai NA, et al. - Among African American (n = 10,380) and white American (n = 17,485) participants in the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke Study, researchers examined the link between APOL1 (apolipoprotein L1) nephropathy risk alleles and mortality in this study with prospective cohort design. They evaluated the link of APOL1 high-risk genotypes (2 risk alleles) vs APOL1 low-risk genotypes (0/1 risk allele) with all-cause and cause-specific mortality in African Americans, as well as the risk for all-cause death in African Americans with high-risk genotypes vs African Americans with low-risk genotypes and white Americans, using Cox proportional hazards models. They noted younger age and a higher prevalence of albuminuria in APOL1 high-risk participants vs low-risk participants. In multivariable-adjusted models including genetic ancestry, findings revealed lower mortality in African Americans with high-risk APOL1 genotypes vs those with low-risk genotypes.
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