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Elevation of the renal threshold for glucose is associated with insulin resistance and higher glycated hemoglobin levels

Journal of Diabetes Investigation May 08, 2020

Hieshima K, Sugiyama S, Yoshida A, et al. - Researchers investigated factors that determine high renal threshold for glucose (RTg) among Japanese patients suffering from T2D. Urinalysis data from 67 patients, for whom the glucose infusion rate (GIR) was ascertained by hyperinsulinemic‐euglycemic clamp, were utilized to estimate RTg (eRTg). Based on baseline eRTg (< 180 mg/dL or ≥ 180 mg/dL), the patients were allocated to two groups. A significant correlation of GIR, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), body muscle‐to‐fat ratio and insulin use, with eRTg, was identified in simple regression analysis; and multiple regression analysis revealed GIR and HbA1c as independent negative and positive determinants, respectively. A cut‐off value of 189 mg/dL for eRTg was revealed in receiver operating characteristic curve analysis when GIR < 5.7 was taken as the insulin resistance threshold. The use of eRTg ≥189 mg/dL in receiver operating characteristic analysis generated a cut‐off value of 8.0% for HbA1c. Overall, findings revealed a link of high eRTg with low GIR and high HbA1c, with GIR making a substantial contribution.

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