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Elevated serum pentosidine is independently associated with the high prevalence of sarcopenia in Chinese middle-aged and elderly men with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Journal of Diabetes Investigation May 28, 2021

Zhang X, Liu J, Zhang Q, et al. - This study was undertaken to explore the relationship between serum levels of pentosidine, which is one of the advanced glycation end-products, and sarcopenia in Chinese middle-aged and elderly men with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and investigate if pentosidine could be used as a kind of screening maker. Researchers recruited a sum of 182 male T2DM patients aged ≥ 50 years in the cross-sectional study for whole-body dual-energy x-ray measurement and estimating the appendicular skeletal muscle mass index. Handgrip strength and gait speed were evaluated at the same time. The results showed that in Chinese middle-aged and elderly men with T2DM, pentosidine is an independent risk factor for sarcopenia. The data demonstrated that the detection of serum pentosidine levels in the clinic may be helpful for the monitoring of T2DM complicated with sarcopenia.

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