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Elevated serum levels of PCPE1 in patients with chronic kidney disease is associated with a declining glomerular filtration rate

Nephrology Nov 09, 2018

Özkan G, et al. - In this study including 131 chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients and 34 healthy controls, researchers focused on the link between procollagen C-proteinase enhancer-1 (PCPE-1) and CKD. They determined PCPE-1 levels in CKD and recorded demographic data and performed routine biochemical tests. They compared the control and patient groups in terms of demographic data, biochemical test results and PCPE-1 levels. Parameters affecting PCPE-1 levels in the patient group were assessed. Findings revealed high PCPE-1 levels in CKD patients, inferring that PCPE-1 could be related to disease progression in these patients, as suggested by PCPE-1 levels being negatively correlated with GFR.

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