Elevated lipoxygenase and cytochrome P450 products predict progression of chronic kidney disease
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Feb 14, 2020
Afshinnia F, Zeng L, Byun J, et al. - Since the understanding regarding the clinical relevance of arachidonic acid (AA) metabolites in chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression is poor, so, researchers performed this study using a subcohort of Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort, to compare patients with CKD who progressed to end-stage kidney disease vs those who did not, in terms of concentrations of 85 enzymatic pathway products of AA metabolism. They also estimated the risk of CKD progression and major cardiovascular events by AA metabolites levels as well as their association with enzymatic metabolic pathways. Findings revealed higher odds of CKD progression related to higher 20-HETE (hydroxyeicosatetraenoate), lipoxygenase and cytochrome P450 metabolic pathways. There was an independent correlation between each 1 standard deviation increment in 20-HETE and 1.45-fold higher odds of progression. CKD progression was preceded by these changes and these alterations may represent targets for interventions directed at halting progression.
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