Elective induction of labor in the 39th week of gestation compared with expectant management of low-risk multiparous women
Obstetrics and Gynecology Jul 31, 2019
Sinkey RG, Blanchard CT, Szychowski JM, et al. - Low-risk multiparous women who underwent elective induction of labor in the 39th week of gestation were compared with those who were expectantly managed regarding their perinatal and maternal outcomes. In this single center retrospective cohort study of 3,703 low-risk multiparous women, 453 (12%) women delivered between 39 0/7 and 39 4/7 after elective induction of labor. Outcomes revealed decreased perinatal morbidity and a lower frequency of cesarean delivery among women undergoing elective induction of labor in the 39th week of gestation vs those managed with expectant management. Elective induction of labor was more frequent among women who were privately insured, non-Hispanic, and weighed more at their first prenatal visit compared with those undergoing expectant management.
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