Efficacy of liposomal bupivacaine in shoulder surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Jul 20, 2019
Kolade O, et al. - A systematic literature review of randomized controlled clinical studies was performed by the experts in order to contrast the safety, efficiency, and opioid-sparing impact of liposomal bupivacaine (LB) with nonliposomal local anesthetic agents (NLAs) for postoperative analgesia following shoulder surgery. Comparing LB (n=260) with NLAs (n=75), a total of 7 studies (535 subjects) were involved in the final meta-analysis. Between the LB and NLA groups, no important variation was ascertained in terms of visual analog scale pain scores at 24 hours and 48 hours. At both 24 hours and 48 hours postoperatively, both groups had a comparable opioid intake with respect to the extent of stay and adverse events. Regardless of the method of administration of LB, subgroup analysis exhibited comparable efficiency. Hence, respective to pain relief, the opioid-sparing impression, and adverse outcomes in the first 48 hours following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair and total shoulder arthroplasty LB was comparable to NLAs.
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