Efficacy of alteplase 1 vs 2 mg dose in restoring haemodialysis catheter function (Alte-dose 2): A randomized double-blind controlled study
Nephrology Aug 05, 2019
El-Masri MM, et al. - In this double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial, researchers compared alteplase 2 mg with 1 mg in terms of efficacy for restoring haemodialysis catheter (HDC) function after its occlusion. This investigation was conducted in a single-centre in southwestern Ontario, Canada, and included 48 haemodialysis patients with 252 catheter occlusion events. In the 2 mg group vs in the 1 mg group, the rate of clot resolution at the catheter site was 85.7% and 84.9%, respectively. The two groups did not differ with regard to the rate of post alteplase clot resolution, as identified using correlated logistic regression. With regard to restoring HDC malfunction, the efficacy of alteplase 1 mg was found to be equal to that of alteplase 2 mg. Furthermore, cost reduction may be achieved with alteplase 1 mg in haemodialysis units.
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