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Efficacy of alteplase 1 vs 2 mg dose in restoring haemodialysis catheter function (Alte-dose 2): A randomized double-blind controlled study

Nephrology Feb 02, 2020

El-Masri MM, et al. - By performing this double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial, researchers compared alteplase 2 mg vs 1 mg in terms of effectiveness in restoring haemodialysis catheter occlusion (HDC) function. This inquiry was carried out at a single-centre in southwestern Ontario, Canada. They used Kaplan–Meier, Cox-proportional hazard and clustered logic regression analyses to determine the rate of clot resolution, catheter replacements, catheter stripping, and mean catheter survival time. This analysis included 48 haemodialysis patients who afforded 252 catheter occlusion events. In the 2 mg group vs in the 1 mg group, the rate of clot resolution at the catheter site was estimated to be 85.7% vs 84.9%, respectively. Just six catheter removals and 10 catheter stripping events were reported. Findings revealed the equivalent effectiveness of alteplase 1 mg vs alteplase 2 mg in restoring HDC malfunction. In addition, alteplase 1 mg may lead to a cost reduction in haemodialysis units.
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