Efficacy of a single intra-articular injection of ultra-high molecular weight hyaluronic acid for hip osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled study
European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology Jun 30, 2018
Clementi D, et al. - Authors compared the effectiveness of intra-articular injections of an ultra-high molecular weight viscosupplement (UHMW-HA, Fermathron S) with a medium molecular weight hyaluronan (MMW-HA, Hyalubrix 60) in hip osteoarthritis (OA). Results demonstrated safety and efficacy of UHMW-HA for hip osteoarthritis. They noted an equal effectiveness of a single dose of UHMW-HA as has been seen with 2 doses of MMW-HA, thereby, resulting in similar reductions of pain and disability.
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