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Efficacy and safety of phospholipid nanoemulsion-based ocular lubricant for the management of various subtypes of dry eye disease: A phase IV, multicenter trial

Clinical Ophthalmology Sep 04, 2020

Yeu E, Silverstein S, Guillon M, et al. - Researchers conducted this phase IV, open-label, single-arm, interventional, multicenter study to assess the clinical safety and effectiveness of propylene glycol/hydroxypropyl-guar (PG-HPG)-based nanoemulsion (Systane® Complete) lubricant eye drops in patients with a dry eye disease (DED). Adult DED participants – subtyped into an aqueous deficient, evaporative, and mixed dry eye – were advised to instill one drop of PG-HPG twice daily for 28 days in each eye. In total, 134 participants received treatment (mean age: 56.6 years; female: 75.4%). The authors concluded that PG-HPG-based nanoemulsion lubricant eye drops were effective and well-tolerated in individuals with DED and all of its subtypes. During the study, no serious adverse events have been recorded.

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