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Efficacy and safety of intravenous pamidronate for parathyroid hormone-dependent hypercalcemia in hospitalized patients

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Jun 26, 2021

Rosenblum RC, Twito O, Barzilay-YosephL, et al. - A retrospective case-control study was performed to explore the efficacy and safety of pamidronate for moderate-to-severe parathyroid hormone-related hypercalcemia (PTHRH). Researchers enrolled adults hospitalized with serum calcium levels ≥ 12mg/dL, 29/10/2013–17/12/2019. They classified etiology as PTHRH or PTH-independent. They compared clinical and laboratory data of PTHRH patients treated with pamidronate (PTHRH-Pam+) to pamidronate-untreated counterparts (PTHRH-Pam-). The study enrolled 34 individuals with 37 hospitalizations for PTHRH (pamidronate-treated and untreated). This research indicates that pamidronate is effective and safe for treating PTHRH, while ensuring close laboratory monitoring of calcium and phosphorus metabolism. There is a need for larger, prospective studies to establish the role of pamidronate and other potent bisphosphonates in moderate-to-severe PTHRH.

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