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Efficacy and safety of glycyrrhizin 2.5% eye drops in the treatment of moderate dry eye disease: Results from a prospective, open-label pilot study

Clinical Ophthalmology Dec 21, 2018

Burillon C, et al. - Authors studied 37 cases with moderate dry eye disease (DED) in a multicenter, open-label, prospective, nonrandomized clinical pilot study using an Oxford score of II to evaluate the efficiency and tolerance of glycyrrhizin 2.5% eye drops in adult patients with moderate DED. They observed improvement in tear break-up time and Schirmer scores and also a declination in the number of subjects who reported symptoms (71.6% improvement in DED symptoms). They noted patients' appreciation (safe and effective) for the eye drops as no fluctuations in intraocular pressure and visual acuity were observed.
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