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Efficacy and safety of ertugliflozin in East/Southeast Asian patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Mar 12, 2020

Liu J, Patel S, Cater NB, et al. - In this post-hoc analysis, researchers tested the safety and effectiveness of ertugliflozin in East/Southeast (E/SE) Asian individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Least squares mean change from baseline was measured for HbA1c, fasting plasma glucose (FPG), body weight (BW) and systolic blood pressure (SBP). Among 161 E/SE Asian individuals in the placebo pool (ertugliflozin, n = 106), ertugliflozin decreased HbA1c, FPG, BW, and SBP from baseline at week 26. Data reported that the placebo-adjusted changes from baseline for ertugliflozin 5 and 15 mg were: HbA1c, −0.9% and −1.0%; BW, −2.1 and −1.9 kg; and SBP, –3.3 and −3.5 mmHg, respectively. Ertugliflozin 5 and 15 mg lowered baseline BW by −4.3 and −4.1 kg, respectively, and SBP by −7.4 and −9.3 mmHg relative to glimepiride, respectively. In E/SE Asian patients with T2DM, treatment with ertugliflozin was linked to declines in HbA1c, FPG, BW, and SBP, and was generally well tolerated.
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