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Efficacy and safety of diacerein in patients with inadequately controlled type 2 diabetes: A randomized controlled trial

Diabetes Care Aug 26, 2017

Cardoso CRL et al. – This randomized, double–blind, placebo–controlled trial assessed the safety and efficacy of diacerein in improving glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diacerein reduced mean HbA1c levels, was well tolerated, and may be useful as adjunctive treatment in type 2 diabetes patients, especially those with osteoarthritis.


  • A total of 84 patients were randomized to receive either diacerein 100 mg/d (n = 43) or placebo (n = 41) for 48 weeks.


  • Diacerein reduced HbA1c levels significantly compared with placebo in both intention–to–treat and per–protocol analysis. However, in other efficacy and safety parameters significant effect of diacerein was not observed.
  • The peak effect was observed at the 24th week but at the 48th week significance was not maintained.
  • Diarrhea was the most frequent complication in diacerein arm and disrupted treatment in 16%.

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