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Efficacy and safety of adjustable balloons (ProACT) to treat male stress urinary incontinence after prostate surgery: Medium and long-term follow-up data of a national multicentric retrospective study

Neurourology and Urodynamics Jul 19, 2019

Agrò EF, et al. - Through a multicentric retrospective study of the data from nine centers of male subjects with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) who underwent a ProACT device implantation for postoperative SUI and had a minimum follow-up of 24 months, experts assessed the efficiency and safety of the ProACT system. Two hundred and forty subjects reported the efficiency and safety. At 24 months, 29.6%, 37.5% and 32.9% of subjects were dry, improved and were considered failures, respectively. At 24 months, the baseline mean pad weight of 367 g was decreased to 123 g. A similar efficiency was exhibited on 152 patients by five-year follow-up. With the top complication observed as long-term balloon failure, the complication rate was calculated as 22.5%. Hence, for male postoperative SUI at both medium and long-term follow up, ProACT implantation demonstrated a safe and efficient treatment. At 24 months, 67.1% of cases were dry or improved while the majority of complications were low grade in nature.
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