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Effects of worn and new footwear on plantar pressure in people with gout

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders May 28, 2021

Frecklington M, Dalbeth N, McNair P, et al. - This research sought to explore the effects of wear on plantar pressures and footwear characteristics in shoes over six months in people with gout. A total of 40 individuals were included in a cross-sectional repeated measures study. Researchers assessed wear characteristics (upper, midsole, outsole) and plantar pressure in the two footwear conditions. Paired t-tests and Fisher’s exact tests were used to examine wear characteristics. Linear mixed models were applied to evaluate plantar pressure data. The results indicate signs of wear at the upper, midsole, and outsole in the worn footwear after six months. In people with gout, these changes to the structural properties of the footwear may affect forefoot loading patterns.

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