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Effects of total hip arthroplasty on axial alignment of the lower limb in patients with unilateral developmental hip dysplasia (Crowe type IV)

Journal of Arthroplasty Jul 26, 2019

Zhao HY, et al. - Researchers examined how total hip arthroplasty influence axial alignment of the lower limb in adults with unilateral developmental hip dysplasia (Crowe type IV). Reviewing medical records of 50 adults who underwent total hip arthroplasty, in which the acetabular cup was placed in the anatomical position, they identified significant valgus deformity in preoperative mechanical axis deviation (MAD), tibiofemoral angle (TFA), hip-knee-ankle angle (HKA), and mechanical lateral distal femoral angle (LDFA) of the ipsilateral lower limb. They noted significantly smaller MAD of the ipsilateral lower limb and valgus inclination immediately after surgery than before, while TFA, HKA, femoral offset, and LDFA were significantly larger. The axial alignment of the contralateral lower limb was only slightly altered following the procedure.
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