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Effects of synbiotic supplementation and lifestyle modifications on women with polycystic ovary syndrome

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Jun 04, 2021

Chudzicka-Strugała I, Kubiak A, Banaszewska B, et al. - This randomized (1:1) double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted to determine impacts of lifestyle modifications as well as synbiotic supplementation on polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Applying the Rotterdam criteria, overweight and obese women with PCOS were selected for this study. Interventions included lifestyle modifications in combination with synbiotic supplementation or placebo. An 8% reduction in BMI observed in the Synbiotic Group was significantly greater than that in the Control Group and was accompanied by reductions in the waist, hip, and thigh circumferences. Findings demonstrated that not only the impacts of lifestyle modifications on weight loss were potentiated by synbiotic supplementation but also it brought about significant decrease of serum testosterone.

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