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Effects of repeat prenatal corticosteroids given to women at risk of preterm birth: An individual participant data meta-analysis

PLoS Medicine May 06, 2019

Crowther CA, et al. - In this individual participant data meta-analysis, researchers ascertained if repeat prenatal corticosteroid treatment given to women at ongoing risk of preterm birth to benefit their infants is modified by participant or treatment factors. Eleven randomized trials involving 4,857 women and 5,915 infants were identified as including women at ongoing risk of preterm birth following an initial course of prenatal corticosteroids that were reported and included in repeat prenatal corticosteroids or placebo or no placebo treatment. Investigators found that repeating prenatal corticosteroids given to women at continued risk of premature birth after the initial course reduced the likelihood that their infant would need respiratory support after birth and resulted in neonatal benefits. In infants exposed to repeated prenatal corticosteroids, body size measurements at birth were lower. The study findings suggest that the number of repeat treatment courses should be limited to a maximum of three and the total dose should be between 24 mg and 48 mg in order to provide clinical benefit with the least effect on growth.
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