Effects of prepregnancy body mass index, weight gain, and gestational diabetes mellitus on pregnancy outcomes: A population-based study in Xiamen, China, 2011–2018
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism Sep 24, 2019
Su W, Chen Y, Huang P, et al. - In a retrospective, population-based study, researchers assessed the risks of adverse pregnancy outcomes in China in correlation with prepregnancy body mass index, gestational weight gain (GWG), and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). All births in Xiamen, China, 2011–2018, were included. From the Medical Birth Registry of Xiamen, they obtained demographic data and pregnancy results of 73,498 women. Increased odds of cesarean, large-for-gestational-age, and macrosomia were revealed in correlation with obesity prior to pregnancy, excessive GWG, and GDM. The necessity of blood glucose and weight control prior to and during pregnancy was highlighted that may attenuate the complications of pregnancy.
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