Effects of peritoneal dialysis on clinical factors and functional performance
Blood Purification Feb 03, 2019
Chang W, et al. - In this study including 196 peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients, researchers assessed the longitudinal trend of functional performance over 1 year after PD commencement and its related clinical parameters. They used Karnofsky Performance Status Scale(KPSS) scores to determine functional performance. Taking into consideration the changes in KPSS from baseline to 1 year, they stratified patients into 3 groups. The associations of clinical parameters with KPSS changes were evaluated via a logistic regression analysis. Findings revealed that age, sex, and diabetes primarily determined KPSS trend in new PD patients. Compared with those in KPSS improved and stable changes, older age and higher serum albumin concentration reduction within 1 year were demonstrated by patients with KPSS declined. In multivariable logistic regression analysis, age was identified as the significant risk factor for KPSS decline and male and diabetes showed significant associations with non-declined KPSS.
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