Effects of low-load motor control exercises and a high-load lifting exercise on lumbar multifidus thickness: A randomized controlled trial
Spine Aug 10, 2017
Berglund L, et al. – Researchers compared low–load motor control (LMC) exercises and a high–load lifting (HLL) exercise in terms of impacts on lumbar multifidus (LM) thickness on either side of the spine. Additionally, the influence of pain intensity or change in pain intensity on the effects was also investigated. Findings demonstrated that at baseline, there was a difference in thickness of the LM muscles between sides. Data indicated that regardless of exercise load, it appeared that exercises focusing on spinal alignment may increase the thickness of the LM muscles on the small side. It was observed that increase in LM thickness did not seem to be mediated by either current pain intensity or the magnitude of change in pain intensity.
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