Effects of joint capsular release on range of motion in patients with frozen shoulder
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery May 15, 2020
Hagiwara Y, Kanazawa K, Ando A, et al. - This study was attempted to assess the association among range of motion (ROM) under general anesthesia before surgery and the effects of each joint capsular release on ROM. A goniometer with scapular fixation was applied to measure ROM. Researchers conducted arthroscopic pan-capsular release with the patient in the beach-chair position in the following order: rotator interval, coracohumeral ligament, superior capsule, middle glenohumeral ligament, anterior inferior glenohumeral ligament, and posterior inferior glenohumeral ligament. This study included a sum of 32 consecutive shoulders. They further analyzed ROMs in forward flexion (FF), lateral elevation (LE), external rotation with the arm at the side, external rotation at 90° of LE, internal rotation at 90° of LE), horizontal flexion, external rotation at 90° of FF, and internal rotation at 90° of FF before and after each release. The data showed that each segment of the joint capsule affected ROM in all directions, supporting the necessary for whole-joint capsular release; after surgery, ROM was significantly greater on the affected side than on the unaffected side.
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