Effects of high progesterone level on the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin administration in in vitro fertilization cycles on epigenetic modification of endometrium in the peri-implantation period
Fertility and Sterility Aug 10, 2017
Xiong Y, et al. – This article was written with the objective to explore the impacts of high P level on the day of hCG administration in IVF cycles on epigenetic modifications of endometrium in the peri–implantation period. High P level on the day of hCG administration in IVF cycles influences epigenetic modifications in three compartments of endometrium in the peri–implantation period. The epigenetic markers' expression was mainly related to P level. The altered epigenetic modification status in the endometrium may disrupt the endometrial receptivity in women with high P on the day of hCG administration.
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