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Effects of food supplementation on cognitive function, cerebral blood flow, and nutritional status in young children at risk of undernutrition: Randomized controlled trial

BMJ Jul 27, 2020

Roberts SB, Franceschini MA, Silver RE, et al. - Researchers conducted this randomized controlled trial to evaluate the impacts of food supplementation on improving working memory and additional measures including cerebral blood flow in children at risk of undernutrition. The sample consisted of 1,059 children aged 15 months to 7 years; children younger than 4 were the primary population. Findings suggested an association of childhood undernutrition with long term impairment in cognition. In contrast to current understanding, supplementary feeding for 23 weeks could improve the executive function, brain health, and nutritional status of vulnerable young children living in low-income countries. Further research is required to optimize nutritional prescriptions for regenerative improvements in cognitive function and to test efficacy in other vulnerable groups.

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