Effects of early detection of peritoneal catheter migration on clinical outcomes: 15-years experiences from a single centre
Nephrology Feb 02, 2020
Ko YK, Kim YB, Shin WJ, et al. - By performing this retrospective review, researchers examined the influence of early detection of catheter migration on clinical results, given catheter migration represents a crucial cause of catheter malfunction in peritoneal dialysis (PD). This analysis included 135 consecutive patients starting PD shortly after catheter insertion from 2002 to 2017. Using a predefined protocol, early, serial abdominal-pelvic radiographic investigations were conducted to detect catheter migration without malfunction. Participants were observed over a mean span of 42.8 ± 34.9 months. Findings revealed that migrated tip correction with conservative management was easily achieved when PD catheter migration was early detected. No influence of catheter migration itself on catheter survival was evident once the migrated catheter tip was restored. These data imply that for improving clinical results, early detection and correction of catheter migration is essential.
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