Effects of denosumab and alendronate on bone health and vascular function in hemodialysis patients: A randomized, controlled trial
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Jun 20, 2019
Iseri K, et al. - Among 48 hemodialysis patients who were diagnosed as having osteoporosis and had not received anti-osteoporotic agents previously, researchers tested the safety and effectiveness of denosumab and alendronate. Participants in the study were randomized to either denosumab or intravenous alendronate, and during the initial 2 weeks, all subjects received elemental calcium and calcitriol. According to this prospective, three-center study, treatment with denosumab and alendronate improved lumbar spine bone mineral density, decreased bone turnover markers, and appeared safe in patients with osteoporosis with hemodialysis.
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