Effects of acute intradialytic exercise on cardiovascular responses in hemodialysis patients
Hemodialysis International May 29, 2018
Jeong JH, et al. - Whether intradialytic exercise (IDEX) performed at different time points is safe, was determined by examining its impact on intradialytic cardiovascular hemodynamics in this randomized cross-over study. During an hemodialysis (HD) session; without exercise; with 30 min of IDEX performed in the first hour of treatment; or with 30 min of IDEX in the third hour of treatment, researchers assessed intradialytic changes in brachial, aortic, and cardiac hemodynamics and autonomic function. Findings demonstrated that with IDEX, no exacerbation of hemodynamic instability was noted during HD irrespective of a patient's hydration status or the timing of exercise.
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