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Effects of a smartphone-based videoconferencing program for older nursing home residents on depression, loneliness, and quality of life: A quasi-experimental study

BMC Geriatrics Feb 03, 2020

Tsai HH, et al. - Using a quasi-experimental research design, researchers examined the impact of a smartphone-based videoconferencing program for nursing home residents on depression, loneliness, and quality of life. Participants included older residents from seven nursing homes in Taiwan who were divided into two groups: the intervention group—which included 32 participants who interacted with their family members once a week for 6 months using a smartphone and a “LINE” app—and the control group (n = 30). At four time points—baseline and 1 month, 3 months and 6 months post-baseline—data were gathered. Overall, the researchers found that smartphone-based videoconferencing improved participants’ feelings of loneliness, as well as their physiological health, vitality, and pain. However, it did not improve depressive symptoms.

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