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Effects of a knee valgus unloader brace on medial femoral articular cartilage deformation following walking in varus-aligned individuals

The Knee Jul 25, 2019

Pfeiffer SJ, et al. - Twenty-four healthy subjects were involved in a study by the researchers in order to discover the impacts of a knee valgus unloader brace on medial femoral articular cartilage deformation after a single 5000-step walking protocol in people with varus-knee alignment (may increase loading in the medial tibiofemoral compartment, which can increase strain on the articular cartilage). No variation in the percent change of medial cartilage cross-sectional area (MCCA) among conditions was noted. In comparison to those subjects who did not deform greater than the minimal detectable change (MDC), subjects whose cartilage deformed more than a previously established MDC deformed less through the braced condition. Hence, between the braced and unbraced conditions across the entire cohort, no important variation in the MCCA percent change was concluded, however, for diminishing articular cartilage deformation in certain varus-aligned subjects who normally undergo measurable deformation during walking, valgus unloader braces may labor as a potential intervention strategy.
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