Effects of 8 weeks of moderate-intensity resistance training on muscle changes in postmenopausal women with different angiotensin-converting enzyme insertion/deletion polymorphisms of interest
Menopause Aug 05, 2019
He L, et al. - Researchers examined 40 healthy postmenopausal Chinese women (aged 53-66 years) to determine how angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism is correlated with muscle adaptations to moderate-intensity resistance training. Participants were grouped by ACE I/D polymorphism (the homozygous deletion genotype [DD], n = 12; the I allele carriers [II/ID], n = 28) and were asked to perform an 8-week full-body resistance training program at moderate intensity with 15-repetition maximum. Before and after training, measurements of upper- and lower-limb muscle mass, grip and back strength, anatomical cross-sectional area of the rectus femoris, isokinetic knee extension strength and knee flexion strength were performed. Multivariate linear regression indicated a positive correlation of the ACE DD genotype with the grip strength adaptation. Findings thereby enhance the knowledge regarding the association between the ACE I/D polymorphism and muscular responses to moderate intensity resistance training among postmenopausal women.
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