Effectiveness of water-based Liuzijue exercise on respiratory muscle strength and peripheral skeletal muscle function in patients with COPD
International Journal of COPD Jun 04, 2018
Wu W, et al. - Researchers aimed at quantitatively assessing the effects of water-based Liuzijue exercise on patients with COPD and comparing it with land-based Liuzijue exercise. Participants were randomly allocated to one of three groups: the water-based Liuzijue exercise group (WG), the land-based Liuzijue exercise group (LG), and the control group (CG). Outcomes suggest water-based Liuzijue exercise as beneficial in terms of respiratory muscle strength and peripheral skeletal muscle function in COPD patients, and additional benefits may exist in endurance of upper limbs and strength and endurance of lower limbs when compared with land-based Liuzijue exercise.
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