Effectiveness of polyethylene cover vs polyethylene cover with artificial tear drop to prevent dry eye in critically ill patients: A randomized controlled clinical trial
Clinical Ophthalmology Nov 22, 2019
Nikseresht T, et al. - In this randomized controlled clinical trial, researchers contrasted the efficacy of polyethylene cover vs polyethylene cover with artificial tear drop to prevent dry eye in critically ill individuals. Two hundred eight individuals have been randomly assigned into two groups of polyethylene cover, and polyethylene cover with artificial tear drop. According to findings, dry eye incidence after the use of both polyethylene cover and polyethylene cover with artificial tear drop methods was lower than that of a conventional method. The authors discovered that both polyethylene covering and polyethylene covering methods with artificial tear drop were more powerful than a conventional method, however, the method of polyethylene cover with artificial tear drop was clinically more productive. It is, therefore, recommended for use in patients who are critically ill.
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