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Effectiveness of parathyroid hormone (PTH) analogues on fracture healing: A meta-analysis

Osteoporosis International Feb 18, 2021

Eastman K, Gerlach M, Piec I, et al. - In this meta-analysis, researchers sought to assess the evidence for the use of parathyroid hormone (PTH) analogues to improve fracture healing. A systematic electronic database search of MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library was performed for related articles in August 2019 without date restrictions. Randomised controlled trials of adults with acute fractures treated with a PTH analogue were involved. The use of PTH analogues to enhance functional results but not fracture healing rate or pain for various forms of fracture is confirmed by a meta-analysis of published evidence. In younger, non-osteoporotic patient populations, the evidence for PTH analogue use in fracture healing is less compelling. The trial design was heterogeneous and of poor quality, supporting further original trials.

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