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Effectiveness of long-term infliximab use and impact of treatment adherence on disease control in refractory, non-infectious pediatric uveitis

Pediatric Rheumatology Dec 12, 2019

Utz VM, Bulas S, Lopper S, et al. - In this retrospective, single-center study carried out between December 2002 and April 2016 of 27 children with refractory non-infectious uveitis [17 with juvenile idiopathic arthritis] treated with long-term infliximab (IFX) [9+ months], experts assessed the long-term use of IFX to sustain control of inflammation and influence of treatment adherence in a single-center study of children with recalcitrant non-infectious uveitis. In non-infectious pediatric uveitis individuals, by documenting outstanding uveitis control with long-term IFX treatment, this study contributed significantly to the IFX literature. Greater dosage and shorter intervals were used without adverse impacts. Importantly, this was the first study to record the significant influence of treatment adherence on uveitis control.
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