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Effectiveness of four different treatment modalities in the treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis during a 36-month follow-up period: A randomized controlled trial

The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery Aug 30, 2018

Uğurlar M, et al. - Using a randomized, controlled, prospective study, authors compared the therapeutic impacts of extracorporeal shock wave therapy, platelet-rich plasma injection, local corticosteroid injection, and prolotherapy for the treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis. In the first 3 months, they noted a higher efficacy of the corticosteroid injection and in the first 6 months, extracorporeal shock wave therapy was an effective treatment method in regard to pain. During the follow-up period, effectiveness of the corticosteroid injection was lost. Within 3 to 12 months, they saw an impact of prolotherapy and platelet-rich plasma. Nonetheless, no differences were found among the 4 treatments at the 36-month follow-up point.
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