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Effectiveness of Chinese herbal medicine granules and traditional Chinese medicine–based psychotherapy for perimenopausal depression in Chinese women: A randomized controlled trial

Menopause Oct 06, 2019

Cao XJ, et al. - Researchers examined the efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine combined with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)-based psychotherapy (TBP) on perimenopausal depression (PMD) via performing a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial in nine hospitals in China between August 2015 and June 2017. Random division of 307 women with PMD into two treatment groups was done: the Bushen Tiaogan formula (BSTG) plus TBP (n = 156) and placebo plus TBP (n = 151). Treatment was provided to all participants for 8 weeks and follow up was done for 4 weeks. Outcomes revealed higher efficacy of treatment with BSTG formula plus TBP than TBP alone for improving PMD symptoms, sexual hormone levels, and blood lipid conditions in women with mild PMD.
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