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Effectiveness, complications and reproductive outcome of selective chemoembolization with methotrexate followed by suction curettage for caesarean scar pregnancy - A prospective observational study

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Oct 01, 2019

Stępniak A, et al. - Researchers determined the effectiveness, complications and reproductive outcome of selective chemoembolization with methotrexate (SCEM) followed by a suction curettage (SC) in the treatment of cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP). They prospectively followed 22 patients who were diagnosed with CSP and had undergone SCEM followed by SC. Findings support SCEM followed by SC as an effective treatment option for CSP. In 20 cases (91%), the procedure was efficacious. Additional SCEM was undertaken in two cases before attempting SC as one case showed the persistence of vascularity on ultrasound and the other case had abnormal uterine bleeding. During the procedures, no complications occurred and there was no patient who required a hysterectomy. However, in long-term follow-up, complications were observed. Thus, they recommend informing patients regarding the risk of complications interfering with future fertility, such as intrauterine adhesions and/or amenorrhea.
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