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Effectiveness and safety of supervised home-based physical training in patients with COPD on long-term home oxygen therapy: A randomized trial

Chest Sep 08, 2020

Kovelis D, Gomes ARS, Mazzarin C, et al. - In this study, the efficacy of a supervised home-based physical training (PT) program on exercise capacity and other outcomes was explored in patients with COPD receiving long-term home oxygen therapy (LTHOT). Researchers examined a sum of 44 patients (mean age, 70 ± 8 years; FEV 1, 33 ± 14% predicted) (PT group, n = 22; booklet group, n = 22). In patients with COPD on LTHOT, supervised home-based PT was found to be effective and safe in improving exercise capacity, dyspnea, fatigue, and health status.

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