Effectiveness and complications of primary C-clamp stabilization or external fixation for unstable pelvic fractures
Injury Aug 31, 2019
Schmal H, et al. - Given the frequent requirement of using a C-clamp or external (CC/EF) fixation in performing emergency stabilization of unstable pelvic fractures, researchers sought to assess the efficacy of this intervention and associated complications. From the German Pelvic Trauma Registry, they assessed data regarding general complications, infections and mortality after primary stabilization using CC/EF in 5,499 patients (n = 957 with vs n = 4,542 without). As per the analysis, CC/EF treatment was performed in patients who were younger (45 ± 20 vs 62 ± 24 years), had more C-type fractures (65% vs 28%), higher ISS (≥ 25 63% vs 20%) and displacement (≥ 3 mm 81% vs 41%), and more complex fractures (32% vs 5%). Risk for complications was independently correlated with these features. They observed a decreased mortality in correlation with primary stabilization of unstable pelvic fractures with C-clamp or external fixation and further, this intervention was not an independent risk factor for complications after secondary surgery. However, an almost 5-fold increase in the risk for infection after ilio-sacral screw fixation was noted after C-clamp use.
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