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Effect of vitamin B12 levels on the association between folic acid treatment and CKD progression: A post hoc analysis of a folic acid interventional trial

American Journal of Kidney Diseases Oct 19, 2019

Li Y, et al. - In this post hoc analysis of an interventional trial, researchers assessed the modifying influence of vitamin B12 (B12) levels on the link between folic acid treatment and chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression among hypertensive adults with mild to moderate CKD. Participants (n = 1,374) were selected from the kidney disease substudy of the China Stroke Primary Prevention Trial, which was performed in 20 communities in Jiangsu province in China, an area with low folate intake. B12 measurements were taken at baseline. The participants were allocated to a double-blinded daily treatment of enalapril, 10 mg, and folic acid, 0.8 mg; or enalapril, 10 mg, alone. Mean baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate was 86.1 ± 20.5 (SD) mL/min/1.73 m2 and median treatment duration was 4.4 years. A greater reduction in the odds of CKD progression was observed in relation to folic acid treatment in patients with mild to moderate CKD and higher B12 levels.
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