Effect of vitamin A status during pregnancy on maternal anemia and newborn birth weight: Results from a cohort study in the Western Brazilian Amazon
European Journal of Nutrition Dec 20, 2018
Neves PAR, et al. - In a prospective cohort study in Cruzeiro do Sul, Western Brazilian Amazon, researchers evaluated the impact of gestational serum retinol and β-carotene (µmol/L), in different moments during pregnancy, on maternal hemoglobin (Hb, g/L) and anemia (Hb < 110.0 g/L) at delivery, and newborn birth weight (BW) (kg). Participants were examined in the second and third trimesters in pregnancy to assess biomarkers of the vitamin A (VA) status. They also assessed serum retinol and β-carotene, considering their impacts in each and in both evaluations (combined VA status), and the difference of serum values between assessments. They also used multiple linear and Poisson regression models. A survey was carried out in 488 mother–newborn pairs. Findings revealed that poor serum retinol status throughout pregnancy was related to maternal anemia at delivery in Amazonian women. Taking into account VA status by the current World Health Organization protocols for supplementation during antenatal care was recommended for planning recommendations in different scenarios.
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