Effect of tuberosity healing on clinical outcomes in elderly patients treated with a reverse shoulder arthroplasty for 3- and 4-part proximal humerus fractures
Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma Feb 01, 2019
Simovitch RW, et al. - In this retrospective, multicenter database cohort study, authors analyzed 55 cases of age 65 years and older at Level I and Level II trauma centers to assess the tuberosity union rate and clinical results after 3- and 4-part proximal humerus fractures. They found 83% of the greater tuberosities united (that were repaired). Greater tuberosity union produced greater active external rotation (ER). They observed a significant difference in the capability to do ER-type activities between the 2 cohorts indicated in their ability to position one's hand behind their head with the elbow forward and comb their hair.
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