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Effect of transcatheter aortic valve implantation on renal function in patients with previous renal dysfunction

The American Journal of Cardiology Apr 16, 2019

Okoh AK, et al. - Researchers examined renal dysfunction patients who had transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), to determine the incidence of immediate renal function improvement in these subjects. They used a prospectively maintained database to identify TAVI patients with ≥ moderate reduced renal function [estimated GFR ≤ 60ml/min/1.73m2] at baseline. Taking into account percent change [(discharge eGFR- baseline eGFR/baseline GFR) X 100] in eGFR after TAVR, they categorized patients into 3 groups. Findings revealed an immediate improvement in kidney function post-TAVI among over half of these patients with compromised renal function. Factors that were related to an immediate decline in eGFR were female gender, baseline liver dysfunction and a low left ventricular ejection fraction.
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