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Effect of toothpaste containing amine fluoride and stannous chloride on the reduction of dental plaque and gingival inflammation. A randomized controlled 12-week home-use study

International Journal of Dental Hygiene Apr 17, 2019

Lorenz K, et al. - In adults with gingivitis, amine fluoride/stannous chloride toothpaste (test) and monofluorophosphate toothpaste (control) were administered twice daily by regular toothbrushing at home in this single-center, controlled, randomized, double-blinded clinical study to know the efficiency of an experimental toothpaste on plaque and gingivitis. They found a drop in baseline mean plaque index (PI) by 0.87 ± 0.35 in the test group vs by 0.65 ± 0.41 in the control group. They observed statistically significant index reduction in within-group differences and between-group differences. They suggested the application of the amine fluoride/stannous chloride toothpaste with clinically meaningful and more pronounced plaque reduction when compared to the control toothpaste.
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