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Effect of titanium tetrafluoride addition on the physicochemical and antibacterial properties of Biodentine as intraorfice barrier

Dental Materials Dec 05, 2018

Elsaka SE, et al. - In the present investigation, researchers assessed the influence of titanium tetrafluoride (TiF4) incorporation on the physicochemical and antibacterial properties of Biodentine (BD; Septodont, Saint Maur des Faussés, France) as an intraorfice barrier material. With BD, three different proportions of TiF4 powder were used; 1 wt%, 2 wt%, and 3 wt%, respectively. Compared to the unmodified group, BD-incorporating 2 wt% TiF4 showed the highest surface microhardness, DTS and fracture resistance. Higher TiF4 (3 wt%) concentrations compromised the solubility and prolonged the setting time (ST) of BD. The materials tested led to the alkalization of the soaking water that decreased over time. Data reported that Biodentine-incorporating TiF4 (1 wt% and 2 wt%) is a promising intraorfice barrier material with enhanced physicochemical and antibacterial properties.
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