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Effect of the Dutch hip fracture audit implementation on mortality, length of hospital stay and time until surgery in elderly hip fracture patients; A multi-center cohort study

Injury May 10, 2020

van Voorden TAJ, den Hartog D, Soesman NMR, et al. - This research was attempted to ascertain the impact of the implementation of the Dutch Hip Fracture Audit (DHFA) on 30-day mortality, length of hospital stay and time until surgery in elderly with a hip fracture in the Netherlands. Researchers performed a multicenter retrospective comparative cohort study and extracted data from the Dutch Nationwide Trauma Registration. Thirty day mortality was the primary endpoint. Length of hospital stay and time until surgery were considered as secondary endpoints. They applied multivariable regression models to correlate outcomes between groups. The study population consisted of 3808 patients (1839 in the 2015 cohort and 1969 in the 2017 cohort). The outcomes of this study indicated that implementation of the DHFA quality indicator does have a positive non-significant trend on 30-day mortality, but exhibited no effect on length of hospital stay and time until surgery. Additional study on relevant quality indicators appears thus mandatory.

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