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Effect of smoking status on lung function, patient-reported outcomes, and safety among patients with COPD treated with indacaterol/glycopyrrolate: Pooled analysis of the FLIGHT1 and FLIGHT2 studies

Respiratory Medicine Jul 25, 2019

Tashkin DP, et al. - Researchers evaluated how the efficacy and safety of indacaterol/glycopyrrolate (IND/GLY) 27.5/15.6 μg twice daily vs its monocomponents or placebo is influenced by smoking status in patients with COPD in this post hoc examination of pooled data from the replicate, 12-week, placebo-controlled FLIGHT1 and FLIGHT2 studies. They pooled baseline data from 2,038 patients and defined categories by smoking status (52% were current smokers and 48% were ex-smokers). Significant improvements in lung function and patient-reported outcomes (PROs) were reported in relation to treatment with IND/GLY, and this occurred independently of baseline smoking status. With IND/GLY vs its monocomponents, greater improvements in lung function and PROs were reported in current and ex-smokers. No difference was found with regard to the safety profile of IND/GLY between current and ex-smokers.

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