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Effect of shock wave therapy associated with aerobic exercise on cellulite: A randomized controlled trial

Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology May 26, 2021

Troia S, Moreira AM, Pisco D, et al. - Researchers intended to confirm if a reduction in the degree of severity of Cellulite in the gluteal region and in the ⅓ of the proximal posterior of the thigh could be conferred by Shock Wave Therapy in association with an Aerobic Exercise Program. Participants were 45 healthy females, aged from 18 to 32. These were randomized, taking into account the severity degree in the Cellulite Severity Scale and the level of physical activity, into three groups: two experimental and one control group. An Aerobic Exercise Program was conducted in the experimental group 1, and the experimental group 2 linked this program with a Radial Shock Wave Therapy protocol. Six interventions within 3 weeks were completed by the experimental groups. This study was completed by 42 women. Findings demonstrated the effectiveness of the association of Shock Wave Therapy and Aerobic Exercise in decreasing the severity of cellulite.

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